All posts tagged Multi-Employer Pension Plans

White House ceremony highlights Butch Lewis Act

Flanked by union members whose pensions will be preserved, not destroyed, President Joe Biden touted The Butch Lewis Act that will keep pensions flowing to retirees and their families through 2051.

Part of Biden’s American Rescue Act, the Butch Lewis Act provides long-term aid to some 200 financially troubled multi-employer pension plans that never recovered from the 2008 Recession.

Between 2 million and 3 million workers were at risk, including members of the building trades. Continue reading →

Biden Touts Pension Relief During Ohio Visit

Speaking in front of a supportive crowd of union members in Cleveland, President Joe Biden touted the finalization of the rule that will save or protect the pension plans for millions of Americans, including members of SMART.

On July 7, Biden made an appearance at Max S. Hayes High School – the Cleveland vocational school built under a Project Labor Agreement by affiliated members of the Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council – and discussed provisions to the American Rescue Plan, which will keep at-risk multi-employer pension funds solvent until at least 2051. The finalization of the rule will provide nearly $90 billion for the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation to ensure more than a generation of retired union members receive their full pensions. 

It will keep multi-employer pension plans solvent and well-funded for 30 more years — with no cuts to earned benefits of participants and beneficiaries; restore full benefits for retirees in plans that previously had to take cuts; increase the maximum Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) insurance amount; and require each plan that receives assistance to file regular status reports with the PBGC and Congressional Committees to prevent recurrence and protect retirees’ benefits.   Continue reading →